Many girls spend a considerable amount of time selecting dresses that are in style and want to keep up with the latest fashion trend. While clothing is important for all, accessories are definitely the icing on the cake.College handbags, you may not realize are one of the most important item when it comes to style. The handbag you carry can either complement the colleg dress you are wearing or completely ruin the overall affect regardless of how expensive your outfit you are wearing. You handbag also has to reflect your personality. Whilst having a whole array of handbags in different styles and colours is nice, cheap handbags do not last as long. Look for good quality fabrics and check the stitching. Make sure the stitches are tight and small, look for slightly wider straps aswell, thin straps wear out much more quickly
Personalising/customising your bag can look great, simple things like adding a scarf over the bag or a few badges/buttons, a bag charm or even a bracelet instead of a bag charm! Think carefully about what you need to carry around day to day college, if you have a lot to carry, a small handbag is not really going to be the most practical thing. If you do have a lot to carry, go for a medium to large sized handbag, one with lots of pockets, whether they are inside or outside they will come in handy for keeping stuff organised.Many students feel that the color of your college handbag must match the color of your outfit. While sometimes color coordinating your college dress and handbag may be appropriate, it does not have to be a rule. So don't think that your handbag has to match your outfit. Sometimes you may prefer to use your handbag to render contrast.
When using your handbag take into account the season. Handbags come in a wide variety of materials and some are made with materials that are appropriate for harsher weather conditions, for example during the winter season. A heavy Swede bag may be suitable during the winter months but should naturally be avoided during the hot summer months.
Fabric, style, and price that you should be looking for.If you trace back the original of women's handbag, you would be surprised to find out that it were originally used by the population of male since the last few thousands of years ago. While the purpose and the outlook of the handbag are different than it was before